What Red Bull does your body just 24 HOURS after drinking a can
RED BULL increases heart rate and blood pressure just fifteen minutes after drinking it. Express.co.uk reveals how else it affects your body.
Study shows Red Bull causes increased heart rate and blood pressure
Last year some truth came to light about what happens to your body after drinking Coke. This study was followed by another chronicling the even worse effects Diet Coke can have.
Now a study has shown the remarkable impact a single can of an energy drink, such as Red Bull, can have on your short term health.
One 250ml can of Red Bull Energy Drink contains 80mg of caffeine. In comparison a can of 355ml Diet Coke contains 23-47mg.
Diet Coke has no sugar content but is sweetened using artificial sweeteners while a there are 26g of sugar in one can.
Last year some truth came to light about what happens to your body after drinking Coke. This study was followed by another chronicling the even worse effects Diet Coke can have.
Now a study has shown the remarkable impact a single can of an energy drink, such as Red Bull, can have on your short term health.
One 250ml can of Red Bull Energy Drink contains 80mg of caffeine. In comparison a can of 355ml Diet Coke contains 23-47mg.
Diet Coke has no sugar content but is sweetened using artificial sweeteners while a there are 26g of sugar in one can.
When you drink a can this infographic, by gift site Personalise, explains what’s happening:
The first 10 minutes
The caffeine starts to be absorbed into your bloodstream, and your body responds by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure.
15 - 45 minutes
At some point during this time, depending how fast you drink the can, the levels of caffeine will peak, you’ll feel alert and find your concentration is improved.
This is due to caffeine being a stimulant drug. This is when it’s recommended to drink one if you are driving and feel you need to be more alert.
30 to 50 minutes
After you finish your drink and your body has now fully absorbed the caffeine, your liver will often then react by absorbing more sugar.
It’s during this time that your body has also absorbed most of the sugar initially in the drink as well.
One hour
You’ll likely be getting the dreaded ‘sugar crash’ – this is often a mix of the sugar levels in your bloodstream dropping as well as the effects of the caffeine dying down.
Five to six hours
It takes this many hours for your body to reduce the caffeine content in your bloodstream by 50 per cent.
For women who take an oral contraceptive, this time is doubled.
12 hours
All the caffeine will have been removed from your bloodstream, but the exact speed or time will vary from person-to-person.
24 hours
For regular drinkers, you’ll find that between 12 and 24 hours is the time for when you’ll start to feel withdrawal symptoms – i.e. the urge for some caffeine.
Other effects of this include headaches, irritability and constipation.
Seven - 12 days
Studies have shown that up to 12 days is the point in which your body will become tolerant of your daily caffeine dosage.
One study found that of those who took a caffeine pill, and others who had a placebo, displayed identical moods, alert levels and energy after 18 days.
Simply, people who had the high dosage of caffeine had got used to the caffeine fix
The study goes on to add: “Most things in moderation and as part of a healthy balanced diet are fine and this goes for energy drinks, be careful though as there are often large amounts of sugar in many of the drinks.
“Guidelines for caffeine are 400mg per day and so having a can of this every day shouldn't pass this, yet the sugars and addiction that can be produced from doing this is something you should consider.”
Consuming large amounts of every drinks can be dangerous. In America, admissions to emergency departments which were energy drink related doubled from 2007-2014 according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Dawn Report.
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